3999 4499

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Artesano Iron Works Double Burner Portable Propane Stovetop is a versatile Camping, patio, or outdoor piece, manufactured with high-end materials acquiring resistance and durability. Enjoy endless cooking opportunities on your next trip & outdoor activity.

A perfect piece for your desired ideas and unique complement to your patio, garden, or camping gear.


  • 1 Ultra-Fast Burner - 1 Fast Burner
  • Works with propane gas
  • 100% Porcelain Enamel
  • Easy to carry and store
  • Hose, Regulator, and Propane Tank Not Included


Front: 22"
Depth: 13"
Height: 4"
Weight: 5 lbs






SKU: SC-100
Two Burners Enameled Camping Stove
3999 4499

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